famPLUS works exclusively for employees of our client companies. Please log in with your professional e-mail to identify yourself. You can enter a private e-mail address in the 2nd step for further communication. If the registration with your professional e-mail does not work, please get in touch via our contact form.

Once you have successfully completed the registration, you will find different guides with tips, information, offer searches as well as valuable tools. You can find more information here.

Yes, you can recommend famPLUS. To do so, contact your HR department or send an email to info@famplus.de - here you will receive further information material from us.

Confidentiality is the top priority if this counselling service is to function. Just like the company doctor, the famPLUS counsellors are bound by professional secrecy. The employer does not find out which employees have taken advantage of the counselling and on which topics.

There are no waiting times when counselling on the phone. We are available 24/7.